Tonya Eberhart is a speaker, author & Branding Agent to Business Stars. She is also the founder of BrandFace®, LLC and author of four books in the series. She grew up in Dawsonville, a small North Georgia town best known for making moonshine and launching the racing industry we know today as NASCAR. After she graduated from high school, her wild ambitions landed her a theatre scholarship at a local community college, followed by a move to Tallahassee, Florida to attend the renowned theatre program at Florida State University. But she was soon to discover that she was out of place in the quirky, eccentric world of theatre. So she used her acting skills for a more suitable purpose—vacuum cleaner sales. While selling vacuums door to door to pay for her education, she happened upon the home of a radio station engineer who recommended her for a sales position, which began an eighteen year journey in radio.
During this time, Tonya observed business owners who were featured in their own advertising and positioned as local celebrities in the market. She was intrigued by this, and determined to help others achieve that same success. She hand-picked clients whom she felt she could turn into the next radio star, and dragged them into the studio to record their commercials. Several years and radio stations later, she continued to learn and use personal branding skills to bring her clients integrated marketing solutions across multiple platforms. In 2005, she earned the prestigious award of Convergence Salesperson of the Year among over 100 sale reps, and while only working part time.
In 2007, she co-founded Remerge (Marketing Services Group) to consult business owners and traditional media companies on integrated marketing practices. To supplement this effort, Tonya authored an online training platform for media sales professionals called Reboot Campus, where over 750 media sales reps received training and certification for Digital Integration Fundamentals.
Today, Tonya is the founder of BrandFace®, LLC, the home of her new book series, speaking series and marketing program for business owners & entrepreneurs, real estate professionals and home improvement professionals. It combines personal branding with integrated marketing and is designed to produce business stars. There are currently four books available in the series: BrandFace® (for Business Owners), BrandFace® for Real Estate Professionals (with co-author Michael Carr, America’s Top Selling Real Estate Auctioneer), BrandFace® for Home Improvement Professionals, (with co-author Ron Greenbaum, The Basement Doctor) and BrandFace® for Entrepreneurs (also co-written with Michael Carr).
In addition to BrandFace®, Tonya also co-authored a book with her daughter, Kati, in 2012. Kati’s Journey: One Teen’s Journey to Japan (see it on Amazon) chronicles Kati’s first trip to Japan and shares her love of Asian culture, as well as the dynamic between mother and daughter on that journey. The book includes 45 QR codes, which link to short videos of the trip, and is promoted as the first interactive book written by a U.S. teen.
Tonya is known for her clever marketing tactics, instinctual creativity and rabid desire to outfox your competition. She can tell you what to do…and make you like it. She has an impressive track record of launching unforgettable personal brands across multiple platforms in order to position her clients as an authority. She’s steadfast in her desire to work with those who are truly committed to what it takes to be the face of their brand and the star in their industry.